Simplifying nutrition through all life stages and seasons for the entire family. Create the foundation for good health with easy and simple nutrition.
Simplifying nutrition through all life stages and seasons for the entire family. Create the foundation for good health with easy and simple nutrition.
A little while ago I posted a video of some jelly that I had made for Evie, along with this I promised some recipes but #mumlife…
Time does get away pretty quickly doesn’t it?! For those who were wanting the two options I was speaking of, here they are! The vegan Agar Agar Jelly OR Gelatin based jelly. Both homemade, both all natural ingredients, both no added sugars or artificial colours/sweeteners which are often what is found in packaged jelly.
Agar Agar Jelly
Agar Agar is a seaweed based product, yes it is a jelly like substance BUT the properties it has are very different to gelatin which can have therapeutic properties due to it’s amino acid content. You may often hear of gelatin being recommended within gut healing protocols and even for joint care.
Agar Agar is said to be high in fibre, manganese, magnesium and iron – so whilst it may not be appropriate as a therapeutic swap for gelatin, it still has some great benefits. The texture of this jelly is harder than store-bought jelly mix so be aware of this when offering to children, it may take some getting used to! Get them involved in the creation process to get them interested.
2 ½ cups of a clear juice such as pomegranate, cherry or cranberry.
2 tablespoons of agar agar flakes
2 tsp tapioca starch
Place 2 cups of juice and agar agar into saucepan on medium heat, bring this to simmer. Stirring as needed. Once dissolved and temperature is at a simmer, remove from the heat.
Add remaining ½ cup of juice into a separate bowl and add tapioca starch. Stir until the starch is dissolved.
Pour tapioca mixture into saucepan and mix until everything is combined.
Put the mixture into moulds or a slice tray and refrigerate overnight/until set.
Top with fruit and yoghurt for a yummy, summery treat!
Gelatin Jelly
This does depend on the brand of gelatin you purchase really, so this isn’t really a recipe merely some ideas…Generally, all you will need is your chosen gelatin - it must not say that it is a hydrolysed collagen or it won’t set, juice of choice (I find less acid juices to work the best) and water.
I like the brand Nutra Organics, it is Australian and grass fed and they have details on their pack of how to “bloom” the gelatin to create the jelly prior to adding your juice.
This is really only one extra step more than the traditional jelly found in supermarkets, but you are avoiding added sugar, flavourings and colourings. It is all natural! Enjoy and know that this food is nourishing you and your family as well as being a healthy option to traditional favourites.