Welcome to my blog

 A place where I muse all things womanhood and motherhood. From easy and nutritionally designed recipes to exclusive updates, brought to you by a nutritionist and mother. 


Teething foods

I thought I would jot down some go to meals, snacks and ideas of things you can make that are soft and soothing on little teething gums, it is quite the list because let’s face it, they teethe until they are around 2, give or take!


A little while ago I posted a video of some jelly that I had made for Evie, along with this I promised some recipes but #mumlife…

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Little sweet potato bites

Quite some time ago, I made some little sweet potato bites that I promised the recipe too. I didn’t forget, life just happens! As many of my followers are parents, I’m sure you can understand and respect that Evie takes 100% priority in my life, I am however, a woman true to her word so here is the recipe as promised!


First Things First...

When introducing foods to baby using baby led weaning, many of the initial questions I get surround how to prepare food (cutting and cooking techniques) and how much to offer. Below is a very quick guide I have popped together to assist you


When to start solids?

A topic that sometimes causes confusion! If you are interested in the 'why' about baby led food introduction this post is for you.

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Easy Banana Bread

Easy and quick banana bread recipe. Great for babies! You’ll notice this recipe relies on the sweetness of the bananas and nothing else.